
—  Covering a wide range of industries, for companies big and small


Stilla Graf and Michael Bäder, architects of German origin, discover a powerful work synergy due to very different professional backgrounds. In 2015 they found GRAF+BÄDER in Milan.

The vision of GRAF+BÄDER is based on the application of simple materials, colours and forms that are enriched by surprising details and skilfully portrayed.

GRAF+BÄDER develops projects of different scales with great determination, from new buildings and refurbishments to MAsterplans and interior design and styling. The work is focused on function, local and historical context and design attuned to any architectural setting.



die deutschstämmigen architekten stilla graf und michael bäder entdecken aufgrund unterschiedlichen beruflichen erfahrungen eine kraftvolle und professionelle synergie. 2015 gründen sie in mailand das architekturbüro GRAF+BÄDER.

die vision von GRAF+BÄDER basiert auf der anwendung von schlichten materialien, farben und formen, welche, angereichert durch überraschende architektonische details in szene gesetzt werden.

GRAF+BÄDER wickelt zielstrebig und kundenorientiert nachhaltige projekte jeden umfangs, von neubauten und sanierungen über Masterpläne bis zum Interior Design und styling, ab.  augenmerk liegt dabei auf funktionalität, lokalem umfeld, geschichte und feingefühl zum jeweiligen architektonischen kontext



Gli architetti di origine tedesca Stilla Graf e Michael Bäder lavorano in profonda sinergia professionale dovuta ai differenti background professionali. Nel 2015 fondano a Milano lo studio GRAF+BÄDER.

La visione architettonica di GRAF+BÄDER si basa su materiali, colori e forme semplici che vengono sapientemente “messi in scena” , arricchendoli con dettagli sorprendenti.

GRAF+BÄDER sviluppa con grande determinazione progetti su diversa scala e in tutte le tipologie di intervento, dalla nuova costruzione alla ristrutturazione fino Al Masterplanning, all’ Interior Design e allo Styling finale. Il lavoro dello studio si focalizza sulla funzionalità, sulla sensibilità progettuale e sul contesto locale e storico di ogni intervento e ambito architettonico



Master in Architecture in Milan, Politecnico di Milano.

Collaborates with Systematica , One works and Mobility in Chain on various major master planning projects.

2010 founds sostilla, ring sculptures, published in several magazines, such as ELLE – Italia and exhibited during Fuori Salone 2012 in Milan and on other occasions.

2012 founds STUDIOSVS planning and carrying out residential and commercial interior projects.

2015 together with Michael Bäder, establishes GRAF+BÄDER.

2019 collaboration with systematica with the role as REgional Representative Germany




Architekturstudium in Mailand, Politecnico di Milano.

Mitarbeit in den Büros Systematica, One Works e Mobility in Chain an verschiedenen Masterplanning Projekten .

2010 gründet sie sostilla, Skulturen – Ringe, welche in mehreren Fachzeitschriften, wie z.B. ELLE – Italia veröffentlicht werden und während dem Fuori Salone 2012 in Mailand und anderen Anlässen ausgestellt sind.

2012 gründet sie STUDIOSVS mit dem sie Innenausbauten im Wohnungs- und Ladenbau plant und durchführt.

2015 zusammen mit Michael Bäder, gründet sie GRAF+BÄDER.

2019 Zusammenarbeit mit Systematica als REgional Representative Germany



Laureata in architettura a Milano, Politecnico di Milano.

Collabora con gli studi Systematica, One Works e Mobility in Chain nell’ambito del masterplanning.

2010 fonda il progetto sostilla, che prevede la creazione di anelli-sculture, pubblicati su diverse riviste, tra cui ELLE – Italia, ed esposti in diverse occasioni, a esempio nel Fuori Salone 2012 a Milano.

2012 fonda lo STUDIOSVS che si occupa di progettazione di interni sul tema del recupero e della riqualificazione di spazi residenziali e commerciali.

2015, insieme Michael Bäder, fonda GRAF+BÄDER.

2019 Collaborazione con Systematica come REgional Representative Germany






Master in Architecture in Germany.

Collaborates with bureau Kammerer, Belz, Kucher & Partner in Stuttgart, with Studio Traldi and later with Matteo Thun & Partners in Milan.

2008 founds QU-arch along with he plans and executes interiors for residential, commercial and industrial projects.

Designs private English schools “Wall Street Institute” in Italy and Europe.

Develops the corporate identity of “My English School”, and subsequently designs many schools.

Focuses on Shop Design, Industrial Design, Interior + Styling, Brand Concept + Communication, Strategic Design, etc.

2015, together with Stilla Graf, establishes GRAF+BÄDER.


Architekturstudium in Deutschland.

Mitarbeit in den Architekturbüros Kammerer, Belz, Kucher & Partner in Stuttgart, im Studio Traldi und später beiMatteo Thun & Partners in Mailand.

2008 gründet er das Architekturbüro QU-arch mit welchem er Innenasubauten im Bereich Shop- und Industrial Design plant und realisiert.

Er plant private Englisch Sprachschulen „Wall Street Institute“ in Italien und Europa. Danach entwickelt er die Corporate Identity von „My English School“, für welche er dann viele Schulen realisiert.

Er kümmert sich um Shop Design, Industrial Design, Interior + Styling, Brand Concept + Communication, Strategic Design, etc.

2015, zusammen mit Stilla Graf, gründet er GRAF+BÄDER


Laureato in architettura in Germania.

Collabora con lo studio Kammerer, Belz, Kucher & Partner a Stoccarda, con lo Studio Traldi e, più tardi, con Matteo Thun & Partners a Milano.

2008 fonda lo Studio QU-arch con cui realizza progetti di interior in ambito shop design e industrial design.

Progetta le scuole private d’inglese “Wall Street Institute” in Italia ed Europa e, più tardi, sviluppa la corporate identity della “My English School” di cui progetta molti istituti.

Si occupa di progetti di interior, shop design, industrial design, styling, brand concept & communication, strategic design, ecc.

2015, insieme a Stilla Graf, fonda GRAF+BÄDER